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How To Increase Traffic On Your Chiropractic Website

When you’re the owner of a chiropractic business, the internet is your greatest ally when it comes to finding new patients and clients. If you’re looking to increase traffic on your chiropractic website, this guide is going to cover absolutely everything you need to know. 

Let’s take a look!

What is website traffic?

Website traffic refers to the number of users that visit your site during any given period. There are two types of traffic:

  • Paid traffic. Paid traffic refers to visitors who come after clicking a paid link, whether it be from Google or another advertising platform such as Facebook or Twitter.
  • Organic traffic. Organic traffic refers to visitors who come organically via Google or other search engines. 

We’re going to go over several different ways you can increase website traffic, both paid and organic.

How to increase traffic to a chiropractic website

From setting up ad campaigns to creating high value content, here are 8 ways you can increase traffic to your chiropractic website:

An SEO campaign

One of the most comprehensive and easiest methods for increasing traffic to your chiropractor website is through a comprehensive SEO campaign. SEO for chiropractors (SEO = search engine optimisation) allows you to boost your content via the strategic use of keywords and on-site content, and helps you build a reliable reputation (in the eyes of Google) by building links through other websites. 

An SEO campaign is a long-term investment in both your traffic and your site’s visibility online, and our number one recommendation if you’re looking to gain traffic without opting for the traditional PPC model.

Google ads

If you do want to opt for traditional digital advertising, Google ads is probably the best route to take. Google ads operates a PPC (pay-per-click) model, where you’ll agree to a bid and pay Google every time a visitor clicks on your ad (even if they don’t make a transaction, or click off right away.)

While Google ads can be expensive, they can help you make quick traffic gains if your chiropractic practice is new and you’re looking to establish your brand online. But do note that PPC isn’t the most sustainable model if you want to keep your monthly ad budget to a minimum.

Social media presence

Another way you can increase traffic to your website is by being present on social media websites. From Twitter to Facebook, Instagram to Tik Tok, there are a wide range of varying platforms where you can post informational content, infographics, and other engaging information for your followers. If your followers enjoy your content, they’re likely to click through to your website and explore your services.

You can also look into social media advertising if you have an active audience on social media; Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok now even offer in-app purchases for commercial accounts, although these might not be entirely useful for a service-based business like a chiropractor.

Create a blog

While creating a blog is technically an SEO technique, it can also be useful even if you don’t yet have the budget to run a full-blown SEO campaign with a professional agency. A blog serves to both offer high-value informational content for your readers and clients, while also helping Google better understand what your website is about. 

You could create a blog full of how-tos on chiropractic techniques, information on working in the chiropractic industry, and overall turn your blog into a one-stop-shop for all things related to your line of work. This will bring in organic traffic, while also boosting your SEO performance.

Engage with followers and subscribers

If your chiropractic business is going to be present on various social media websites, it’s a good idea for your account to actually be active and engaged. In fact, it’s better to have no social media than to have a social media account with just one or two posts a year – those who come across your profiles might get the impression that your business is closed, unpopular, or simply old-fashioned. 

By responding to comments, liking posts, and posting regularly (even if you do set up a posting schedule in advance) you will draw an audience to your content and naturally increase web traffic by grabbing the attention of interested followers.

Create location-based content

One of the fastest ways to make quick traffic gains on your website is to create location-based on-site content. You can create and upload service pages based on locations, create location landing pages, and post varied content that targets potential patients in your area by using the tags “near me” and “in my area” within your target keywords. 

Not only does location-based content typically rank quicker than more competitive keywords, but you’ll also increase your likelihood of obtaining a new patient by targeting those within commuting distance to your practice.

Track your website metrics

Another way to increase traffic to your chiropractor website is to monitor your metrics using a tool like Google analytics. With Google analytics, you’ll be able to track your traffic sources, aka where on the web your visitors come from. Having access to this information makes it easier for you to optimise and double down on certain advertising or marketing strategies; you’ll be able to see which platforms or advertisements provoke a positive reaction (aka a click) and those which don’t.  

You can also use Google analytics to track other KPIs, such as page views, session durations, exit pages, bounce rate, and more. Tracking these KPIs will be able to help you identify problem areas on your website, so you can modify and optimise pages with weaker performances and high exit rates.

Ensure your website is functional

While this tip doesn’t necessarily increase traffic directly, it does prevent you from discouraging existing visitors from returning due to a negative user experience. Functionality errors such as slow-loading pages, images not rendering, or a homepage that is difficult to navigate will all make a poor first impression on visitors. 

If you want to maximise your chances that one-time visitors return to your website, you need to ensure that all UX aspects are taken into consideration and optimised accordingly. One key aspect to focus on is speed: if your site is too slow, it will be penalised by both visitors and Google.

The Bottom Line

With so many different ways to increase traffic to your website, there’s no need to settle on just one method. 

In fact, combining an SEO strategy, Google ads, and regular social media activity can be a great way to target different demographics and locations, and create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that will help amplify your chiropractor brand and provide a positive ROI. 

Whatever method you use, the eternal Bill Gates quote applies: content is king. Without high-quality content to inform and engage your audience, it can be difficult to build consistent and reliable web traffic. Focus on offering something of value to your average reader or follower, and the engagement will surely follow.

Article by:

Joshua George is the founder of ClickSlice, an SEO Agency based in London, UK.

He has eight years of experience as an SEO Consultant and was recently hired by the UK government for SEO training. Joshua also owns the best-selling SEO course on Udemy, and has taught SEO to over 100,000 students.

His work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, AgencyAnalytics, Wix and lots more other reputable publications.