Are you looking for new ways to improve your website’s search engine rankings and overall SEO? And has it crossed your mind that content marketing might be one possible solution?
SEO, together with content marketing, has changed the digital marketing world. If you’re serious about your SEO, content marketing should definitely be part of your SEO strategy. In this age, SEO without content marketing is like a body without a soul. To be successful, both must go hand in hand. During a 2021 Statista survey carried out among search engine optimization professionals worldwide, 24.6% stated depth and accuracy of content was among the most important factors impacting search rankings.
If you’re wondering if there are any benefits your SEO strategy can reap from content marketing, then you’re in the right place. In this post, what content marketing is, why it’s important for your SEO strategy.
But just before we jump into the interrelationship between SEO and content marketing, let’s look at what the terms actually mean.
Search engine optimization(SEO) is the process by which a website is enhanced to perform better and rank higher in relevant searches. It is a technique of increasing the quality of traffic and attracting maximum visitors to your website.
On the other hand, content marketing comes down to sharing valuable and relevant content with your audience. That is free content to assist them in solving their problems and understanding more about a topic they’re interested in. It is focused on using valuable and relevant content to drive profitable customer or client action.
Content marketing offer readers and potential customers informative and useful material that provides insight and value. It utilizes blogs, social media posts, graphics and videos, to attract traffic, keep them engaged, and move them further along the sales funnel.
According to a study by the Contentmarketinginstitute, 76% of marketers employed a strategic approach to managing content in 2019. They used an approach that formalizes the processes that people and technologies needed to scale and deliver content. Most of these marketers attest to the effectiveness of content marketing to drive traffic to a site with the top goals being:
Content marketing is a mainstay in the revolution from traditional methods of marketing. For example, a traditional ad may only tell the audience what an organization does, whereas content marketing shares relevant knowledge on the matter at hand and actionable insights that help the target audience to understand why they should take action.
Now let’s delve into some of the benefits of content marketing for SEO and learn the specific ways that an active content marketing plan can grant you an edge over your competitors in terms of search engine rankings.
Search engines can’t and don’t see websites like you and I do. We can always look at a website with pictures of pet supplies and understand that it’s an eCommerce site peddling leashes, dog bowls, and dog toys. However, search engines like Google have no way of recognizing a website’s purpose unless those words are written somewhere. And that is where content marketing comes in.
The key to SEO success is researching and finding relevant keywords then using them in your content so that you rank higher in the search engine results pages. Astute keywords mainly consist of one or two words. According to Ahrefs, 70.87% of keywords with more than 10,000 monthly searches consist of only one or two words. Using these keywords appropriately and following a strategic approach is fundamental if your content is to rank higher. For one, marketers should never stuff a page with keywords and overoptimize. SEO and content work in perfect balance.
Content marketing requires consistency. Fresh, unique and creative content gets rapidly indexed by search engines and ranks higher than low-value and monotonous content. In fact, according to Carolfoden, 78% of consumers will trust your brand if you create more customized content.
Your content must be able to lure your clients as well as solve a particular issue. As long as you can write influential content by using important keywords and targeting visitors, you are likely to improve on SEO and rank higher. Content quality is the most important factor through which Google determines the relevance of a page and ranks that piece of content. Content marketers brainstorm creative ideas and embed the most important keywords to get content acknowledgement. This is another sure way in which content marketing benefits SEO.
If someone is redirected to your website from a search, they can’t find what they are looking for and then they leave right away, it is called a bounce. Usually, the percentage of people who do this on each page on your site is read as your bounce rate.
Google factors metrics like bounce rate into the overall SEO profile on your site. If one of your pages has a very high bounce rate, that’s clearly a sign that there is something wrong with it. According to Forbes, you and your business content have just seven seconds to make that first impression that will encourage users to stick around. Google certainly won’t want to continue ranking a page highly if it’s sending all its visitors right back into the search results.
Content marketing can help you combat a high bounce rate and solve problems like this, especially if it’s done thoughtfully. The longer a user stays on your site, the more they are likely to be converted into loyal brand ambassadors.
Having understood the ways that content marketing can improve your SEO, you may be looking to create a content marketing strategy that both helps your visitors and your site. That’s where we come in. At Clickslice, we are all about making your website obtain high rankings in search engine results. We can incorporate our SEO services with Content marketing to give you an edge over your competition both content wise and in search engine rankings.
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